Summer Race Announcement...This Will Happen

I haven't forgot nothing you dork! Yeah I started that thread to eeg him on. And this also goes for that dork 4spdragtop who liked your post.
Well it's been firmly establish now that yr is a poser. are you homos and dorks want to listen to every technical word he says and hang on all BS. I'm the only one who had the cojones to call him out to race! Who else has? Who else questions all this b******* and wants to see someone put up or shut up? I do it and I get ridiculed by everybody! Dorks!

Firmly established that I'm a poser? Who established that? I can do everything I say I can do,and do it better than most, on a five day drunk hangover.

You must have fallen off that snowmobile and done brain damage.

Make sure your **** is ready to go. You don't know the day or the hour when I'll be on your side of the bumps. I'll just be there, like Batman. And since I'm a nice guy, I'll let you be my Robin.

In fact, I have a semi retarded cousin with a 67 Firebird and he thinks you should race him first before you get a shot at me. If you can't outrun that sick bird, why should I wear out my ****?