I tell ya guys, it's awesome living next door to a retired fabricator/welder guy.

Thank you, and well said BTW.
Yes, let's just put this behind us.
I'll be the first to admit, I've had a few bad days (and a few too many beers), and said some stuff I've regretted later, and yes I've done it on here. This has opened my eyes a little.. not only about how I need to treat people on here (and online in general), but also I need to be safe in stuff I do. I just shut off the compressor, and put the cutting wheel down as I had a few doing it... and yes, I did wear goggles, and gloves... I may not have a couple weeks ago, so you made a change in my life. And, BTW I HATE wearing goggles.. fogging up, sweat in my eyes... but I kept them on till I was done. So, for that, I thank you.

BTW, If ya need Dart parts, I have a pile sitting here now. :)