Newbie welder question.

I have a Lincoln Weld-Pak 110. I am not a professional. Not even close to intermediate.... The book and other info I read on using it is that smaller wire is better on thinner metal. I think the metal on my Dart is either 18 or 20 gauge. I practiced before being serious with the .035 wire and had burn through until I had voltage, wire speed, and hand travel speed right.
The OP does not have use of gas, so he must use .030 or lager flux wire. If he welds sheetmetal it can be done with .030 but like just said, the right hear, speed, go d ground, clean metal is the key plus being able to hit the target and with a burst of weld of maybe 1 1/2 - 2 seconds, Other wise on 60 yr old sheet metal yo will get burn through, but he will learn to fix that! If you have new 18 ga and welding to older 18 ga that has rusted thinner? put more toward the thicker newer metal!
Yes the higher $ welders do weld a better weld! I have never owned on e but used that at work places and they are great.