74 Gold Duster

Yea I'm with you I sold my dream car about 9 years ago just couldn't afford to build it and I didnt want to be one of those I'm gonna fix it someday guys while it rots. It was a 72 barracuda and seeing them now makes me sick mine wasnt in bad shape at all it was 100% complete I sold it for 2500. Now I see them completely gutted nothing but a swiss cheese rusted shell for 5 grand makes me so sick. Oh well price you pay for being poor Haha. Iv got my dart tho and I'm determined to get it back on the road. Someday I'm like you if like to find another project. Honestly I'd like to find an abody barracuda 67-69 I really like the notch back ones kinda reminds me a little of the ebods. I'm kinda at a realization I will never have another e body and it sucks but that is life! Maybe someday I can afford a newer challenger those are close to the ebod look
That stinks on having to get rid of the barracuda. I get the whole not wanting to watch it rot though. Yeah the market has gone crazy the last few years, I'm glad I was able to get my duster when I did even decent a bodies are getting up there in price!