serious question about the world

You would have to define 'felt' or feel. Felt by what? How large is (how much mass has the) object/observation point that 'feels' the gravity (mass) of the other object?
Does the object or observation point itself have mass, and therefore create its own gravity(-well)?
Without mass there's no gravity.
Gravity's curve is a parabolic curve, the further you get from the center of the gravity-source, the less it becomes (measurably/felt).

My thoughts were about how far the gravity of earth would be felt, no matter how infinitesimal in degree. It seemed that since gravity is a force, then speed would not affect it. That's wrong though since gravity is a waveform and matches the speed of light. So, as stated, it could only be theoretically felt, around 4.5Bn light years away at most.