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I put it in gear and chain my shifter to the firewall and back it up to my motelroom. And the cheap BFGs howl at the slightest slip. I leave the car doors unlocked so I don't have to worry about broken windows spoiling my tour.
If they come prepared with a bolt-cutter, I have several other deterrents,including leaving the line-loc on all night, so they will need to winch it up; and you know how noisy winches are..... and 4 howling BFGs I imagine are gonna be hard to sleep thru.Additionally, I have a three-foot coil wire, that I sleep with; the missing rotor is too obvious, so I don't bother taking it out, I just pull it up and give it a quarter turn and drop it down onto a second index I cut on the cam-tube; and since my battery is in the trunk, with the shut-off, and the hood don't open for just anybody; and....
And the rest I ain't saying.