Stop in for a cup of coffee

I like craft breweries. You wouldn't believe the amount of people distilling out there. It is against Federal law but A couple states allow small personal production. Just like the beer and wine production. For personal consumption only. They need to change the rules. You can brew beer, make wine, and buy pot but you can't legally distill liquor. At our monthly whisky tasters meeting last night the group leader had some shine made by a member (that wasn't there) I tried it. Good stuff. In fact I liked it better than the $100 a bottle Peated Irish Whisky we were trying. That stuff tastes like old truck tires! (or Mitche;s cigar ashtray) :lol:

I still have a bottle of home made Portugese wine made by an old dairyman I knew. 20% I think it is. He always suggested watering it down with a carbonated liquid of choice, or find a DD :rofl:. Whatever juice the local vineyards had leftover was what he made. His label had a picture of one of his dairy cows and "No Water .. No Filters .. No ****". Chateau Dutra. I miss that old Portugee.