8.8 swap

Ok better idea, being that the motorcycle VSS block off plate was a bust. Dimensions wont work. i decided to make my own. I took the sensor out of the axle and cut the top off. The guts pulled right out. Bottom of it is solid plastic, no hole in it. I sanded the cut line smooth, gave the bottom half a good cleaning in laquer thinner. Sanded the inside of it with 80 grit, and beveled the top edge. Then i filled it solid with JB weld. When dry, i sanded it flat, and primed and painted it black. Viola my own blanking plug, fits perfect, no money spent. I will be cutting off the sensor protecting "ears" on in the carrier either side of it too. The good thing about this is that the hole in the housing stays unmodified. This way if later on an electronic speedometer is going to be used another sensor can be put back in.






