Is it LEGAL????

I have the whole car! Minus motor and tranny and rear end and a few parts that were removed before I got it. It's been sitting directly on dirt for 15 years, the frame is shot. If it wasn't I would get kansas antique title. And if I didn't have a lick of morals I would do as some suggested and just put them on another car. I just can't do that, at least not until I steal me a good body somewhere, ummm hey j par - where do u park yer cars at? But I thought if it was legal I might consider selling them, don't know if I could or not. But it did make me think - can I legally sell them? I have been very impressed with most of the folks here as I have read many posts in the last week or so. I thought I would ask the experts - finding out DON'T ASK QUESTIONS HERE.... just "steal" their valuable info from the different threads - be like a ghost - SURF BUT DON'T SPEAK... and yes I defend, I won't soften to the point - ooo well whatever... I figured out easy way to make it stop without me getting so upset... just use the ignore button... ALSO FOLKS! ----> If I was planning to intentionally do something illegal why the hell would I announce it??
to address a couple things you mentioned here first of all the bottom thing about intentionally doing something illegal and posting it out here... You have no idea how stupid people are apparently. I don't think it was 6 months ago we had some new guy on here posting his address saying how nobody ever steals anything and how his doors are always open! also it was in the middle of nowhere where nobody could see anybody doing it. Lol
unfortunately I live in the city so most my cars are in the driveway or in the garage I don't have room for spares. And I can tell you without even asking my wife is happy about that.