Dtm primer question.

Southern Polyurethanes Inc. https://www.southernpolyurethanes.com/

Amazing products. Shipped to your doorstep. And tech support by cell phone from the owner. Great prices too!!!

And by the way. His epoxy does sand really well. Some even use it as build up but the 2k high build is faster. With a shot glass of reducer it sprays like glass for sealer coat.

His Universal clear with slow reducer is incredible too

Ditto on the SPI recommendation. Their epoxy is awesome to work with. It spays nice and sands nice. I used red oxide epoxy as a base coat, did body work on top, and sealed the filler with more epoxy. Red Oxide is what the factory used although nobody will see it. On top of the red epoxy I sprayed SPI's gray regular build primer, which they say sprays like a high build. The advantage there is that when you block the gray primer, you can stop when you start to see the red and avoid going through to bare metal or filler. Their clear is really good too and a bargain.

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