Drivetrain vibration

The GVOD manual has 3 pages of good vibration troubleshooting. Just because parts are new doesn't mean they are good. I had my driveshaft shortened for the GV install and the u joint phasing was 3.5* off when they welded it together. I chased a vib problem for a long time. I came across a you tube video on u joint phasing and checked my driveshaft, BINGO. Make sure you have the 5/8" clearance on the trans yoke, car setting at ride height.
I once had a problem with a vibration in my pickup which I attributed to a slightly bent driveshaft. I had a company in Seattle called Drive lines NW make me a new driveshaft. I don't remember the final cost, probably around 3bills. When I got it home and checked it, it was just as bent as the oem one. Long story short, just because it's new, doesn't mean it's correct.