
just an idea to get folks coming to this site more often
sure certain die hards here every day
some every few days
im not talking about them
some other folks - come here one time cause of a google search or whatever pointed them here cause HERE had the answer to their question, some return some hafta be pointed here again and again before staying and viewing "other" stuff - and lots of other stuff here most never look at.... i joined last year.. visited a little bit to solve my car problem... didnt come back for bouta year or so, why, nother car problem... this time i surfed a lot more than just the narrow minded technical question i had... discovered for sale and wanted and more....lotsa good stuff here - wish i hung around longer the first time
so the trick is to keep em coming back
I "think" one way(im sure i can come up w more if i tried) would be to have an auction for parts that lasts about a week... good way for folks to sell parts AND maybe folks to get a good deal or something they needed or wanted ... ((ALSO)) -- if you had an auction that I or others could advertise parts that limited me to only a week and no reserve price and then it was sold.... well I would NOT advertise my best parts but would take a chance on some things... if for example I had a (i dont know prices very auction helps me sell easier also) if i had a radio i thought was worth 100 and had to START the bidding at 10% of worth like 10 bucks... i place it on the auction block HOPING for bids... heck if i saw a radio for 10 bucks when i came the first time i would of HAD to bid just to see if i got lucky and no one else bid.... but i wudda kept coming back to see AND would have looked around more then also - why - cause i was here and back and back and back to see the price of the radio - when it got above my price range i b gone right - NOT - i would have been back a few times and at least one of those time i found have found something else to bring me back

IF a first time visitor came here to look for his/her answer to a question and saw at the top of the page they were looking at for their answer a flashing box that said something like the latest hot auction item and the price it was going for at that time... like a $10 radio... after it caught my eye i would not be able to resist or a (rolling 4 or 5) items be better--- ****! - 10$ radio AND 50$ pair of bucket seats AND $20 fender - OMG I GOTTA SEE THIS TO BELIEVE IT
they LOOK.... see that stuff and more ---- hooked --- they be back a little more often just to SEE... well ima keep coming back 2-4 times a day(or just stayed logged on)! JUST TO see what my item is now selling for and also to see what is the price of the item i really really want... am i gonna get it cheap>?
just an idea to keep em coming back... and often