Comp cams xe268h for 318

OK, I forgot on the heads. In that case, the KB167's would make more sense; the domes on the 399's wont work with the closed chamber heads as far as I know. Using those and the .028" thick head gaskets (Mr Gasket 1121G) would give SCR of 9.4 and DCR of 7.3 with the cam. Much better than the low 6's and better than a stock 318 (which is in the high 6's for DCR).

But at a piston weight of 526 grams the balance problem rears it's ugly head again. Even the heavy 2 bbl 273 pins are not quite enough weight added to get back to stock piston + pin weights; they would end up at 746 grams, versus the stock 753 grams. For a po' boy build, that might be close enough to not have any serious vibration. (Heck, I'd be tempted to thread the pin ID and thread and lock in some added weight in those heavy 273 pins...... despite the 'uproarious laughter' and 'eye-roll' emoticons that are no doubt on their way LOL.)

Going back to the KB399 pistons and bit more brainstorming... is there any thought of using those 360 heads or, are they in too rough a shape to use? Just some quick numbers... typical 360 heads, unmilled, with the .028" thick head gaskets and KB399's ends up at a DCR of 7.4 with your cam, and you could bump it to 7.6 with cam advance of an additional 4 degrees to and ICL of 104.... hmmm.