I don`t drink much beer , but

Stouts, porters, and browns with the occasional ale or lager.

Not a fan of coffee stout and not at all a fan of IPA, which seems to be all over the place right now..

If the stout above is hoppy, I'll probably pass.

Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout is another good one.
I can do an IPA once in a while and enjoy it. Even the extremely hopped up "Imperial" IPA's. But definitely not a go to for me. Yeh, If you don't like them at all the Storm King is probably not going to make your favorites list. LOL
I like stouts that have a little coffee or chocolate taste. But not when they start tasting like a Mocha. (Which I do like also, just not mixed with my beer.) As I understand it some of those flavors actually come from the way the ingredients are roasted? I have had chocolate stouts that tasted too much like they stirred in Hersheys syrup. No thanks.