Which long tube header that is not TTI suck the least?

Doug’s d453 on my 70 duster 340 4speed was a nightmare. $1000 set of headers everyone chirps are the best and well shoot it to you straight here they are not the best!!!! Zbar won’t move unless you bend or totally customize it to fit between header and the starter. Mini starter still no clearance. Passenger side had to beat the crap out of a beautiful ceramic coated header to clear torsion bar. Honestly I would bought a $300 set of hookers and beat the crap outa them to fit vs the $1000 Doug’s. Tricky here one guy says they fit next guy says they don’t so frustrating finding solid info. 10 guys now gonna say there Doug’s fit great .... lol my Doug’s fit too after a nightmare. Def not plug and play and god forbid your starter goes have fun getting starter out with Doug’s bolted up. Just my experience on my 70 duster. Tti and Doug’s never again

So you managed to find all those threads saying that dougs headers are the best thing since sliced bread without also finding almost as many threads telling you that there will be som customization to make them work with a 4 speed?
i do agree that dougs should put the information in their installation instructions.

So you are complaining that your starter actualy fits but is hard to change?

Did you try moving the engine around some in the enginemounts? are your mounts fresh? There is room for movement in the stock mounts and even shims available to correct things alitle when needed,and as has been pointed out many times in this forum,these cars are all over the map regarding tolerances and sometimes they stack up on the bad side other times for the worse,did you actualy try that before starting to beat on them and after that,did you try to call Dougs and see if they might send out a replacement header if it was a problem in manufacturing that happens from time to time before beating on them?