Which long tube header that is not TTI suck the least?

Doug’s d453 on my 70 duster 340 4speed was a nightmare. $1000 set of headers everyone chirps are the best and well shoot it to you straight here they are not the best!!!! Zbar won’t move unless you bend or totally customize it to fit between header and the starter. Mini starter still no clearance. Passenger side had to beat the crap out of a beautiful ceramic coated header to clear torsion bar. Honestly I would bought a $300 set of hookers and beat the crap outa them to fit vs the $1000 Doug’s. Tricky here one guy says they fit next guy says they don’t so frustrating finding solid info. 10 guys now gonna say there Doug’s fit great .... lol my Doug’s fit too after a nightmare. Def not plug and play and god forbid your starter goes have fun getting starter out with Doug’s bolted up. Just my experience on my 70 duster. Tti and Doug’s never again

I tried everything imaginable before beating on my $1000 headers of course. Mounts are good, no amount of shimming on earth could help the passenger side clear the torsion bar or driver side from clearing the zbar. Ya you said it biggest piss off was the Doug’s instructions meantioned nothing about the z bar conflict with the header And the passenger side header conflict with the torsion bar. I’m complaining about everything to do with Doug’s. Like I said for the price I was shocked how bad they worked overall. Sure do sound good but not fun/easy or worth it to me

Doug's require the same exact modification to the Z-bar as the TTI's require. It's posted all over the place, I think I've personally posted the instructions for modifying the Z bar for the Doug's at least half a dozen times or more just on this forum. What's one more?


As for the rest of it, long tube headers on these cars are not a slam dunk. Just read some threads here, there are plenty of threads about TTI's not fitting and needing to be dented and dimpled. There are threads about Doug's needing to be dented/dimpled to fit. And there are threads about TTIs and Doug's both dropping right in with no issues, dents or dimples, believe it or not (lucky bastards!). The simple fact is that these cars are not all identical, and with the tolerances needed for a dent free install on any of the headers for these cars there are bound to be cars that need some dents- regardless of how nice the Doug's and TTI headers are.

I love the Doug's on the 340 in my Duster with a 4 speed, and yes, I modified the Z-bar. I did have to add a couple of small dimples to clear the torsion bars, but I run 1.12" torsion bars so that wasn't unexpected. I've seen TTI's too, and honestly I wasn't nearly as impressed with their build quality as I was with the Doug's, but maybe I got a "Monday morning" set of TTI's.