Minimum side clearance on slicks?

My buddy from Hitman racing came over today to seem my mini tubs.
He took one look and said "Nope, that ain't gonna work"

He thinks on launch when the car twists its gonna ketch the sidewall on the inner fender and outer fender lip, destroying the tire and my quarter.

These guys build serious race cars and know what they're talking about.
He says cut the frame and make more room now before I shorten the axle, or hurt my car, my self or some poor bystander.

He want me to cut 1 1/4 inch out of the frame giving me 2 1/8" on each side
At this point I may as well just start over and back half the dam car... he's a good friend and some one I fully trust when it comes to what works, what's safe, what's not and what just may get you killed...

The only good news he had was that he will lend me his axle jig so I dont have to pay to get mine done...

I got about one inch on each side of the tire. What do you think, not enough?

I ain`t got that much on my drag radials for the street, they just barely touch on an off camber turn Inside, have about 1" on the outside /never touches. I know a lady that has a 10 second 340 barracuda that has a 1/2"to the springs w/10" slicks and she doesn`t have a problem.
Probly depends on how much squirm ur gonna have ! Sway bar, rear end locator, 1600 h.p. ??