Looking for Input for Secret Santa 2018

Good Evening to all my fellow FABO members.

Secret Santa 2018 is fast approaching and Im looking for input on participation. The past couple of years the participation has been low and it got me thinking. Maybe its the way Im running it. The rules are pretty simple (I've posted them below). To get more members to join in on this fun gift exchange maybe something needs to change, or maybe not. If you have thought about participating but have not because of something, please leave a comment or shoot me a conversation. I'll take all comments and suggestions into consideration.

Please keep these few things in mind.
1)This is not Joey, nor sponsored in any way by FABO
2)Im a member like everyone else (yes Santa drives a Mopar)
3)I take this on by myself
4)I try to randomly match people, but depending on shipping preferences or types of hobbies I may match people up that way.
5)I try not to match people that have previously participated with the same person they year before. It has happened and if notified in time, I can get a few members to switch.

Rules for the past few years. (This is not the signup for 2018)

-A gift of $20-40 is the norm, if you want to spend more feel free but do not expect the same in return. Shipping cost is on you the sender, and please do not include that as part of the gift.

-Must have a minimum of 25 posts, by the cut off date.

-Once you receive your gift in the mail try to wait until Christmas to open it, I know its tempting!

-Even if you cant wait to open your gift, please do not post what you got until around Christmas. You can post a picture, thank you, etc... of what you got at that time.

Signups begin Nov. 1st,
Black Friday @ 8pm (CST) is the cut off
Conversations are sent over Thanksgiving weekend with who your match is.

I ask you provide me this information.

1)First and Last name (male or female if it isn't obvious):

2)Your address:

3)Your shirt size (or specify that you don't want clothes):

4) Hobbies, cars you have currently or like in general, magazine subscriptions, collectibles, etc.. or anything else that would help your SS

5)Are you willing to ship to places other than where you are located?