Had a Lucid-type Dream Last Night

This morning I awoke at 5:30 AM, remembering a long list of "events" I had experienced during my dreaming stages. I ended up writing down a 1,300 word summary. The dream(s) contained some real people (spouse, stepchild), real places (town where my AAA insurance agent has an office), and real vehicles (a '63 Pontiac Grand Prix I purchased for $100 back in the 1970's). It also contained one of those daily chores of sitting on the toilet. The real pieces in the dream have absolutely no relation to one another. All I can say is, thanks to those "real" pieces being incorporated in the dreams, the events I experienced in the dream seemed to be more reality than fantasy.

(The Pontiac itself was not in the dream, but I "saw" a vehicle in the dream that reminded me of it and so I told a "bystander' in the dream what Pontiac I used to own)

Lucid dream - Wikipedia

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