265 hemi straight six

There's an individual in Seattle named Michael who posts under that name at slantsix.org and who, last I checked not too long ago, had two or three Hemi-6s in his garage. Don't recall whether they're 245s, 265s, or a mix.

Whoever vows to blah blah blah go to his grave believing the Hemi-6 is a blahbittyblah must be rebadged blah blah GM motor blah blah blah is vowing to remain misinformed and to deny reality for the rest of his lifeā€”kind of nutty, IMO. The origin and provenance of the D-engine (Hemi-6) is well known and documented, and has utterly nothing to do with GM. R&D got started by Chrysler in the US in 1966, then the D-engine development work was transferred down under, and it was released there (and only there) for the 1970 models. Might be a good idea to read what the actual engineers who were actually involved say on the subject before blathering about how it must be a GM motor because, um, um, um, because LOOK, IT JUST IS, OKAY?!!