Need to vent wth is wrong with ppl

No drama on here bud! It was on Facebook. I shared the GoFundMe link on my Facebook and some ahole in one of the mopar groups wrote those nasty comments.

Not sure who did or said what, guess I need to try to find it. I am not a good computer person! I could not share his fund deal, because either I am too stupid to get it to work, or my computer is afraid I will screw something up!! ha... All I know is I do not always jump at sending people money. I a 70 and our income is considered poverty level. MY wife still works in her real estate business. after Trump's election, and I do not know it was him or what, but we went 18 months without a closing! A lot of nervous Mexicans down her . Good thing I had already sold off bunch of stuff. Things are way better I just hope by end of the year I will be back to where I was to begin with!!!!!
But I just say, trying to help someone in need should not get negative remarks from anyone. I always just hope the help I occasionally give will be deserved and appreciated. God will Bless, we just have to have faith.