Need to vent wth is wrong with ppl

Well said Brother :thumbsup:

I got summoned to Federal jury duty in LA, ya know the kind you CAN'T refuse. It' a 3 hr drive to LA from here so I stay on familiar turf in Glendale, 20 minutes from the courthouse. I go to my favorite deli in Glendale after court. A rather destitute looking fellow sitting outside the back door, "Hey man, can you spare a few bucks so I can get something to eat?". I went inside and bought him the special of the day. "Here ya go man." I said on the way back to my truck. I still remember his exact words to this day "I'm not gonna eat that ****!". I guess he didn't need to eat as much as he thought.
Very sad!! There was a peddler here in town a few weeks ago I saw him on my way to Walmart. Had a sign will work for food the usual ya know. Well later that day I had to go back to town when i stopped at the stop sign where he was standing i looked down and his sign was laying there along with 3 or 4 bags of Wendy's/McDonalds full of food you could tell he hadn't eaten any of it. I still refuse to believe that kind of behavior over takes the good in ppl! At least 3 or 4 ppl was merciful enough to buy the man food what he done with that mercy is on his hands he will be judged for lying and deceiving!! And not by us!!