Junkyard mufflers

I have an electric sawzall with some worn-out metal cutting blades. I have a tank full of gas in my truck. I have a welder with lots of flux wire. And I have time. Now may I share you with you my budget? I emptied out my wallet on the bed.View attachment 1715235857 remember it cost $2 to get in! I'll need to check the console in my truck LOL
I'd rather not wait and save money to get something different I just want to get it done while I have a couple bucks and time.
Bro, you carry more than I got! Go get yourself some Junk yard muffs! If its a LKQ pick-a-part, go online and register and you get a free pass in. Just take your phone and show the guard and he'll tell you to go get a receipt from the cash register person and go back and show him. Saves 3 bucks here.