Need to vent wth is wrong with ppl

Being on a fixed income I generally don't help many folks anymore. I do try and make myself anybody that needs a listening ear...but not being liked by many kinda keeps it from happening much.
Never been one to help pan handlers. If they have a dog I am more apt to go buy them a bag of dog food then give tgem money.
One pan handler is responsible for me not handing out any of my disability $$. Just got in my truck in a Walgreens parking lot. Youngvlady came up, asking for $$. I opened my wallet and gave her a 10. She noticed that I had a $20 in my wallet. She said to me "how about if I give you the 10 back and you give me a 20". As she handed me the 10 I rolled the window up and drove off.
Have been here since 08. Have seen the same 2 older guys with the same signs..."family struggling will work for food" since we have been here.
Pan handlers...smoking cigarettes....or "vaping".....brand new $100+ sneakers....
Apologies for rambling