Need to vent wth is wrong with ppl

Being on a fixed income I generally don't help many folks anymore. I do try and make myself anybody that needs a listening ear...but not being liked by many kinda keeps it from happening much.
Never been one to help pan handlers. If they have a dog I am more apt to go buy them a bag of dog food then give tgem money.
One pan handler is responsible for me not handing out any of my disability $$. Just got in my truck in a Walgreens parking lot. Youngvlady came up, asking for $$. I opened my wallet and gave her a 10. She noticed that I had a $20 in my wallet. She said to me "how about if I give you the 10 back and you give me a 20". As she handed me the 10 I rolled the window up and drove off.
Have been here since 08. Have seen the same 2 older guys with the same signs..."family struggling will work for food" since we have been here.
Pan handlers...smoking cigarettes....or "vaping".....brand new $100+ sneakers....
Apologies for rambling
Never seen anything you posted inkjunkie that upset me. I have a few friends that many people don't like because they say what they think and sometimes upsets others but I would rather here what people think than lies.
I will never give money or anything to people on the streets holding signs they can get a job and support themselves. My wife died many years ago when I still had all 8 of my kids living at home the youngest was 2. I worked hard and they had plenty to eat and a warm clean home, I home schooled the first 4 and eventually had to put the rest in public school. Never asked for a hand out and have 8 wounder full children and 15 grand kids that visit me often.
There are many people on this site that have had hard times way worse than me that never ask anyone for a hand out and they made it just fine. I wish people wouldn't help the people on the streets holding signs and maybe they would get a real job.