Stop in for a cup of coffee

Doing alright for the most part.. Been a few things happening in my life.. My wife is on a cleanse because the VA wants to try to reset her body or some weird thing like that.. She is on week 3 and is hating life... She is super limited on what she can eat and in order to support her I gave up drinking for the entire time she has been on it.

This last weekend my daughters 6mo. old puppy got hit by a car and that ended up costing us a house payment so I've been really busy taking care of him. Besides the road rash all over his hind quarters he also has a broken *****, and a ruptured bladder. So Im sitting here with a dog whose stomach kind of looks like Frankenstein with all the staples in him.

I've been trying to take the car out but the weather has been just to shitty and cold. Other than that, not a whole lot else is happening.
Ahh the wonder Wizard of VA