Winter storage question.....

Hello All,
here is some good reading on the subject.
How to Use Fogging Oil for Your Car Engine Before Long Term Storage
Also now that we are all running spec motors on the Whelen Tour (NASCAR-Approved Spec Engine)
RCR recommends using fogging fluid after each race before leaving the track. Im guessing they know a little more on the subject of fogging fluid VS marvel mystery oil.
Keep in mind that you may need to change the spark plugs after the winter because fogging Or marvel mystery oil may have fouled them.
Also some stabil in the gas goes a long way.
I would test the coolant for P/H and change the coolant if its old or will not protect under lets say - 20 deg. I would not leave it empty (drained) because bare metal will oxidize and promote rust and scale in the system. Also rubber seals, gaskets, and hoses will dry out from the inside.
Walmart has both products cheap...
Happy Mopar :)