Duster fusible link wiring problem

Speaking of internal shunts
I had a guy show up with an interesting problem about a year ago with an 80s or 90s Dodge van. Everything was great until he turned the lights on. Then the engine would die. After doing all the checks I figured there was something wrong at the ammeter, so pulled the dash out, and found the shunt was not passing juice. Rather than taking it apart, I just made a big old copper bar shunt that looked like it would do the job as a temporary fix, and told the guy to go find another van with a good ammeter and I'd swap it over. I told him the current gauge might no longer be accurate, and he didn't seem to care as long as he could drive it at night again.. Well said I, keep an eye on the brightness of your lights then, cuz they will be your charge indicator,lol.
That was about 20 months ago and he hasn't been back.