Would you reuse these rotors?

Sorry to side track your thread.

I remember I was 16 and ran the machine shop at my family's auto parts store. My step dad played me minimum wage. One day a guy walks into the shop and asked "hey kid, who runs the shop?" I replied "I run it, what can I do for ya sir?"

He kinda looked around at the cars on the lifts, all the cylinder heads, the steaming hot tank, roasting oven, a head tumbling in the tumbler, short blocks on stands and said, "where's your mechanic?" I replied that's me sir, what can I do for ya?"

He said, you can come work for me. I'll pay you 10 dollars cash an hour. I walked up stairs. Told my step day I quit and moved out the next day.

I use to work until the boss left then I would sleep in my car in the parking lot until a half hour before he showed up and act like I got to work early...

Good times!

Not sure why all this came out but turning rotors just brought me back.

Long story short. Buy new rotors.
