If you're around 50 or older...

Christmas tree tinsel!!! The horror, the horror!
As a kid I remember my mom insisting the tinsel had a specific method for application:
* Take it out of the box and drape it over the back of a hard-backed wooden chair from the dining room table
* Put it on the tree one strand at a time and make sure it was draped over the needles so it hung straight and without hitting another branch or anything else below it

...and now the worst part:
* After Christmas was over, take the individual strands of tinsel back off of the tree, drape it over the back of the same chair and then put it back in the box to use again next year...and the year after that...and the year after that...

As you can tell, putting tinsel on the tree was not my favorite part of Christmas as a kid.
To this day, we always buy a live tree (no fake ones) because they smell so good but we always get a "full-bodied" tree so there's no room for tinsel!