Sell or rent out house

When I was in the Army, I bought a house in Manhattan KS, just outside of Ft. Riley. I came down on orders that sent me to S. Korea, my wife at the time couldn't go with me and she wsn't staying in KS with two pre-school kids. I was told I was coming back to Ft. Riley after my 1 year. I reached out to a real estate agency and entered into a management agreement with them. About a month prior to my PCS, I moved into barracks and the wife came back to Ohio. The house was rented out to a SGM (E-9) and I couldn't be happier. I was getting rent -10% and all was good. The rent checks came and I never heard anything more of it.
Prior to leaving Korea, I came down on levy to go to Ft. Knox KY. So I never even went to KS. Again, checks are coming, all's good. Until it wasn't.
I get a letter from the real estate agent asking me to contact her about the house. I call and find out the SGM was living in the house, but so was all of his Korean wife's family. There were about 15 people living in the house and mostly in the basement. Illegally.I asked the agent why she didn't know about all this and that's when I found out she never visited the house until after it was raided. So I paid 10% for her to write me a check and mail it.
I.N.S. came, arrested a bunch of people and the E-9 retired to avoid problems with the Army. I went out to see the house and it was a mess. They had built a bunch of tiny rooms in the basement and the neighbor lady said they were running a massage parlor out of it. (The cops never said anything so...) Anyway, in the end I wound up selling at a loss but not having the headache was well worth it.
I do have a rental now, but it's close.
The other thing about rentals is, you can't pay yourself until the end of the second year. You have to hold back a year just to cover what ever BS that pops up, and it will.
Another thing I learned, if you only charge $400 a month rent, you get $400 a month renters.
I'd sell, buy another house close to you, if you want to get into renting something out. There's money to be made, just avoid apartments.