Sell or rent out house

Like any investment you have to way out the risk. I once had a wealthy mentor tell me that real estate is one of the best investments opportunities. Not many investments create as much borrowing leverage based on appreciation, equity, and potential funding streams. It opens so many more possibilities. You can borrow against your equity to fund other projects and/or investments. Or you can simply let your equity build for a future nest egg. or use it as a potential funding stream to supplement your retirement. The associate risk falls on not being able to rent it or having bad renters. But you still at the end of the day still have options to sell or leverage. In stocks your either up or your down. In real estate there is a lateral strategy to leverage those assets as borrowing power. I want to have at least 4 house's worth 250K or more so I can say I own a million in asset's. Who wants to be a millionaire? Just a thought.