Just another repair shop rant

what about making sure your work looks decent?

i had a water main replaced because it was leaking
this employed 2 companies, a plumber and a asphalt company

the plumbers left a Styrofoam coffee cup and a macdonalds cup laying in my yard
before they could get started, they had to cut out a section of the sidewalk and they ran some yellow tape around the "hole"

when the asphalt guys filled the hole, they cut the tape so they could fill the hole and left it there

neither one of these companies will be getting my business again, because they couldnt take 37 seconds to clean up after themselves

In my shop?

No greasy hands on steering wheels, fingerprints wiped off interior pieces, no residual fluids left over from changing them, electrical work back to a factory style appearance.

Good enough?

Always bothered me when I'd get a repair order to check over for an oil leak and find out it was just in for an oil change a few days earlier.

Always checked plug and filter, but I could almost tell you before I got it on the lift, one of my co-workers didn't blast the rack down on the Ford Crown Vic/Merc Grand Marquis, where fhe of gets trapped during a filter change with a little brake cleaner, worrying the customer and wasting the customer's time