Driveshaft hoop pics?

The drive shaft hoop drama continues..

Got the hoop welded up and tacked in place.



As you may be able to see the tail shaft is not centered in the hoop... so gotta fix that.
Then I go to slide the drive shaft in and dam it it wont yo in. Gotta raise the hoop up about an inch or so. Only problem is the hoop is already tight to the top of the tunnel...

We Fu#k it let's cut out the tunnel, and make the hoop part of the floor.
I scribe the hoop to the floor and son of a biscuit the nut certs for my shifter are in the way, not only that but those nut certs aren't in the floor they are in a section of plate that is welded to the tunnel for my shifter.

Super glad I just painted the inside of the car... out comes the death wheel and cut out my fleshy painted shifter mount plate...

Cut hole in tunnel and beat hoop up through the tunnel... now I gotta remake the fish mouth on the left side outrigger and make a full new outrigger for the right side..


You'd think by now I would just expect everything to fight me, all the way, every time but for some reason I'm always like, " shut, didn't see that coming".....