Dumb question

Some think it's equally ridiculous to use 50 plus year old original wiring. Wiring does have a life span. I'd much rather have a new, expensive wiring harness I saved up for than a pile of ashes in the driveway.

I found the wiring harness for my rat rod truck on Speedway Motors on clearance for like 119 dollars. No bulk head connector and 21 circuits. Total overkill for my project, but it was there, I needed one and it's NICE. You can find deals if you're not in a hurry.
For a hobbyist which this is there only car and only project and not pulling the wiring harness out and stretching it all completely out on a piece of 4 by 8 plywood on two saw horses and rebuilding it. What kind of doubt you're going to take it all out and put it all back in. And you have tons of time and no money? Today or replace this wire and tomorrow I replace that wire and so on till it's done each wire individually is new and you know where it started and where it's going. All connections are changed or refurbished. take it off the pegboard and plug it in with complete knowledge of where all your wires go.:thumbsup: