Concentrix Logo "I work for a multibillion dollar company that doesn’t really care for its employees

I know, right? I never read posts this long. I always skim them and then look at the replies to get the gist of it.

That said, the assertion that corporate America is the devil, is a stupid one. I've never seen a poor person provide jobs. Where do people think jobs come from, the job fairy? No, corporate America. Just like everything else, you have to take the bad with the good. Get over it, suck it up, quit whinin and move forward.

You know this is funny in that I just had to revisit this comment.. To me this is a typical management response. I remember when I 1st joined this forum in 2014 that you (RRR) would ***** and complain about almost every post that was put on here and you would chastise and correct the OP's and I'm not saying that most didn't deserve it!.

So now you have a position on here as "Technical Editor" but now you don't ***** as much. The funny part is, that in a corporate sense you "Drank the Cool aid" and we are still the grunts like you once were.

And FYI I enjoy being a Support person, I like to help other people succeed, I have no desire to lead someone else's troops as in management, I would much prefer to lead my own.