Cams How do you choose one?

Hi just to finish this off to much work no play till now lol, so to end this I did call Oregon and got
262/270. 218/226. .441/.449. 110/106. ICA 57 Ol 46
256/268. 212/218 .447/.455. 110/106. ICA 54. Ol 42
Then the last one lol racer brown well thanks 66fs after talking to Jim a bunch of times and questions I know a lot more now than when I started this but still a rookie and I know if I would of asked any of the cam grinders they would of helped me . Everyone that has suggested a cam has been right some a little better than others for my exact needs. But none have been to wrong , the funny thing after talking to Jim and talking about one motor with compression he came up with 9.7 scr and 8.27 dcr vp 142 with 215-220 @.050 close to AJ’s lol a little different on the cam for Jim. So I did Ordered a cam from racer brown for my current motor and a Howard cam for my 273 to rebuild (original motor for the cuda) and then when ready for the higher compression 360 I”ll go with probably another racer brown cam they are not that much more. The first post under mine by Valiant Racing almost hit it on the nose 214/ 477. Lol Thanks a lot no one gave me bad advice and I know this question has been asked 1000+ times so to those that try to help me Thanks for answering that same old question where’s the beer lol no what cam to buy. Lol on to the questions gary