Stop in for a cup of coffee

I left a 23/hr job to take one at 19.
11 minutes travel vs 1hr.
Fuel and monthly oil changes i came out ahead.
Within 5 years i was earning my 23 again.
I can respect that.

Perhaps my experience is different than most. When I went into Science, my goal was to go as far and high as I could. I started as a lab assistant at DuPont. In the the 30 years since, I have been promoted 15 times across the 9 Companies I have worked for and am now at the Executive level of Chief Techincal Officer. My salary has doubled every 5 years on average since I started on this path.

Maybe I’m just an ambitious SOB...but settling for less was never in my nature.

I earned it by hard work and long hours...sacrifices untold. All I want now from any Company I work for is respect for what I am...and have earned.

Perhaps my perspective is warped...but I have none other.

I am who I am.