Stop in for a cup of coffee

And yet, with all of that...I choose to be here with you guys rather than anywhere else in my off time. Real people who are genuine in what they want and do. Like me at heart.

Madder still, I spend hundreds of hours of my free time creating artwork and giving it away for free just for the joy of doing it...and the joy it brings to those viewing it.

I am a dichotomy of purpose. One to be ambitious to provide for my family as best I can, and the other to share time and my art with friends.

I’m either a madman or just a simple basket case. I’m not sure I know which.

Either way, it won’t change between now and the end of my existence on this planet.

I am who I am.
You're a great guy Dave. I just hate seeing/hearing how you're being treated. As I have said many times, money isn't always worth it. You've got to consider what it's doing to your mental and physical health. You know this.

As for your art, I really appreciate it. And I'm sure others on here will more than agree.

I consider you to be a friend Dave. One that I know will gladly smack me when I have dumbass moments(which you have figuratively several times on here :lol:)

Seriously, a year ago, my boss wasn't the only one who talked me into going back to school. You did as well. And I listened, for once and I don't regret it at all. :thankyou: