Concentrix Logo "I work for a multibillion dollar company that doesn’t really care for its employees

The hierarchy of the large corporations pits management against the hands-on employee, you know the people that actually engage the customer. S**t flows down hill right?

It is? Guess I've been pretty insulated then. Large corporations I've worked for: Advance, CAF, Alstom. The last two are international companies, with locations and contracts around the globe.

I've never had a conflict with management fostered by the company environment. If a conflict existed it had more to do with a conflict of personalities. And trust me, I knew a lot of upper management in two of them.

The point of this post is to highlight the fact that this company really doesn't want to spend any more money than absolute necessary to keep the facility going.

You realize the idea of business is to maximize profit, right?

Tell me, do you keep your overhead low? Turn you thermostat back? Turn lights off in the house when you're not there? Compare prices when you shop?

You're maximizing your profit and minimizing your overhead.

Trust me: being in management, keeping an eye on P&L is one of the main focuses you have. You minimize the L to increase the P.