Telemarketing rant

That is one thing the Republicans are not interested in fighting. Come to think of it, neither were the demotards.

Back in the land line days, I really used to screw with these people

Throw the receiver down and grown and make noise like a heart attack

If it's female, ask them for various "acts." YOU know what I mean!!

My unsurpassed was a guy calls, insurance, maybe? I told him, "My wife was just talking about this the other day, she'll be right here can you wait"

"Oh, SURE"

So I pushed that out, 2, 3 minutes..........

"You still with us?"


"Sorry, she's about here just a minute."


Push this out another couple............


"Yeeeesssssss, I'm still waiting."

"Well", says I, "I'm very sorry, I don't know what I was thinking, here, I DON'T HAVE A WIFE, I'VE NEVER BEEN MARRIED!!!" and hang up the phone!!!!