Stop in for a cup of coffee

Now for the flip side of living on the Ocean...

Be prepared to be damp all the time. The Ocean is a very humid environment.

Bucket baths only occasionally...and mostly using salt water (fresh water will be in limited supply).

Days and sometimes weeks on end without contact with another human being, just the two of you.

Pirates...yes, they are real and need to be considered. Defensive capability is a must.

Spending much of your time when you are in Port resupplying and doing maintenance on the vessel.

Learn to love eating and catching fish. Fresh meat will be mostly fish. Veggies and fruit will be scarce as they don’t last long in that environment....nor will fresh meat from land animals.

Desalination to replenish drinking water will be a near daily chore. Little will be available for cooking.

Bread will be a rare treat.

There are dozens of other things too. The important part is to go in with eyes wide open and understand what the work and sacrifices are to live that life.
Damn! I guess I'll beat myself with 2X4.. Sounds simpler!