High voltage

Ok I'm not one to give tech advice, especially in the electrical world, but I'm going to throw my personal opinion out here just because I can. I realize I'm opening myself up to a beat down but oh well. Here it goes.

1) I am guessing this is a street car.
2) I am guessing this is a mild 383.

As I understand it MSD states 1 amp per 1000rpm. So that leads me to think that with a mild 383 what's the max RPM? 6-7k? And how long does it see that max rpm? A second or two? If this is a street car, in all reality what type of rpm's does the engine spin most of the time? Im guessing idle to 3k. My math says that the majority of the time the MSD will draw 1-3amps and very short durations over that. 60amp should be more than adequate to handle that. And yes I am very aware of the "what if's". These are old cars anything can happen. Me? if I had a 60amp alt and it's already wired, I would wire the MSD per their instructions and go with it.