Need to get motivated

OR, send me $35 plus 29 shipping for my motivational book, entitled ( sorta long title), " How to build award wining Mopar in your own two car garage in ten easy weeks, just YOU, for under $3000". I have sold copies to those Velosity TV shows They use my METHOD.
This whole car resto deal is a lot like training a horse. The car is a lot easier though. It takes riding him 30-40 minutes a day, 5-6 days a week for months, to get him broke and started, not trained! The old saying, IF he gets 1 % better every ride, in 100 days he is totally 100% trained, JUST ain't true! To be sucessful, you have to recognize that horse's every small try he to does to meet your request. And he happy with that.
Same with the car resto, we have to find happiness with owning that project in the first place, find happiness in accomplishing even the little things.
Just to look at my old cars, is just like the horses, just to look at them gives me pleasure. Little thing some days. I enjoy changing the oil, and rubbing some hair on my horses.