No one is perfect but you don't need to lie....

2 words: 'paypal' and 'pictures'. Hasnt failed me yet.

True story:
"Hey, I want to buy that intake and I get paid this friday, is that cool? "
Sure....shall I mark it as sold?
"Yes, I can send you the payment as soon as I get paid"
OK. Ill be waiting. Itll ship as soon as I get the money.
"great, thanks!"

sounds good eh? Well, friday comes and goes no word on if the payment has been mailed and no e-transfer. Monday comes, then wed then thursday. USPS First class mail for an envelope is 90% 3 days to anywhere in CONUS. So you message him back, whats up with the payment?
"oh man, something came up and I had to buy a battery for my car but I can get you this friday for sure"
Well, OK but you need to send me a message friday evening if its still on
"yeah, sure and thanks for understanding"
Friday eve comes and goes. meanwhile you got 3 other guys chomping at the bit to buy it either locally or instant payment via paypal. You are torn between your word to "mark it sold" and honor the first guys request, or cut and run with a local guy or paypal guys. Saturday AM...You swallow and contact the next guy in line and he has paypal in your account within 5 minutes, and the preboxed intake is already in the back of your car.
Saturday noon, you get a message from mail boy that the check is in the mail. What do you do? Well, I messaged him back that since I did not hear from him Friday eve as I requested and you agreed on, I assumed the deal was off.
"Dude, your a dick. You told me it was mine and I went through hell trying to send you the money and now your backing out? Thats uncool. "
Yeah, I felt bad. I tried to honor my word, but there is a limit on whats acceptable. He did not see it that way, and for that reason I set hard dates on "the check is in the mail". And I still got screwed when a guy floated a check! People hate paypal, I live with it. And if your not on this board (with all its juicy gossip!) , you will have to live with it too if you do business with me. Just dont lie to me.....
Its like a buyer trying to use you as the storage warehouse. I dont play bullshit games on my parts when selling either. You want it, send payment, or step aside for the next buyer who needs it. I have a pile of boxed up **** too that buyers backed out of. I am selling stuff because i dont need it, and want it out of my way. When people pull stunts like that, sometimes i tend to get like maybe i need to just pile it up in my scrap trailer and then it will be out of my way permanently. Then i look at the parts and say no i cant do that, theres probably somebody out there looking for this or that item i have.

As a buyer i try to be prompt with my payment and offer the same courtesy to the seller that i would expect from a buyer. In the end you have to deal with people, since its a people oriented deal. I have certain buyers on fabo that i will not deal with anymore because of their shenanigans with me.

Bottom line either as a buyer or seller, treat the other person the way you want to be treated. If you promise to send payment by a certain time and dont, the seller has a reasonable right to move on and sell it to the next in line.

I am looking for a certain intake manifold. Theres a seller i'm in contact with now waiting on some deadbeat for whatever reason for the last 2 weeks. If it pops up for sale from somebody else in the meantime, i'm there. I dont want to be waiting on a what if. Why he's waited this long is beyond me. Money talks, bullshit walks.