What About Edelbrock 340 Heads?

Not here to start a senseless argumenatation but how come Prostock and Nascar teams and pretty much every other maximum performance application you can find anywhere runs aluminum heads then? They are at a level of money is not an object and if an iron head would make a fraction more power they would use it regardless of repairability.

My post an
Not here to start a senseless argumenatation but how come Prostock and Nascar teams and pretty much every other maximum performance application you can find anywhere runs aluminum heads then? They are at a level of money is not an object and if an iron head would make a fraction more power they would use it regardless of repairability.

I was answering 318willrun's question and basically saying that no one will buy iron when aluminum is an option. My post obviously went right over your head. Not going to debate why Nascar doesn't run them that's a response that displays a real limited and basic understanding of anything being discussed here. J.Rob