My Street Demon 750 review.

While, in hindsight, I should have gone with a more drag race oriented carb for what I'm doing now with my ride, I've tuned on the Street Demon 750 with an invaluable AEM afr gauge and can't complain about how it performs. It came jetted rich, for my setup. With the aid of the AFR, and the jet kit its as spot on as I think you could get. Hot/cold, one pump of the throttle to set the choke when cold, maybe a half pump when warm, sometimes I dont even touch the throttle, and it fires right up, idle is strong and even. I've run a 12.19@107+ with it, might get better from a more race oriented carb, but it is a "street" carb.....only complaint? The "E" clips. They suck. Otherwise, thumbs up:thumbsup:
My brother ran pretty good when he used this carb on his 408 barracuda i believe he ran 12.20s @109, when swapped cams and put on the 850 race demon we got it to go 11.80s @114/115.