BE$T bang for your buck home improvement for home sale

I like wood stained trim and such as well, but the general buying public is a finicky bunch. I’m working on a 100 year old house right now, with redwood trim, ceilings and walls. The owner is doing his best to save what he can of the originality, but his wife wants white.....everywhere! It’s a compromise in action there every day!

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Damn! That’s beautiful! Is the whole place fieldstone with woodwork inside? Or just part of it?

Sadly on my place, a lot of the originality went out the proverbial window a long long time ago. Over the years the ceilings had been lowered, the hardwood floors replaced with tile and carpet, etc.

I’m slowly returning her back to how she should be by putting hardwood floors back in and returning to the original high ceilings. Fireplace at one end of the living room, with a portion of the floor laid in stone around it, a cookstove in the kitchen (actually my great grandmother’s cookstove)