Slow, Driving Rustoration 1972 Dart

How bad rust we talking? Got any photos?

Not bad, it's just that while I'm repairing the floor pan I'll be covering up rust underneath where it welds. It's places where if I had access to it, I could sand blast the area without removing a bunch more metal and buying patch panels. I just hate knowingly leaving the rust. I won't be covering any rust up. Any place I cut metal out of obviously I can remove exposed rust. It's just the rust I can't see I'm worried about right now.

This is the overall floor currently, it doesn't look too bad:


But here are the areas I'm worried about.

This one is pretty easy, I can get to the other side from the wheel well and re-fab the seat belt bolt.


This one bothers me because I wouldn't normally fabricate this piece, i would just patch in a piece over the
area after I cut out the rust on the floor. But the rust you can see now obviously extends past the area I will
be removing. The other side is actually worse and will definitely need to be patched under the car as well.


Same for this area by the passenger side seat mount.
The inner rocker frame is in need of metal replacement but I can't get to it right now.
The driver's side isn't as bad

This area is the most straightforward Not worried about this repair.

This area near the driver's pan and kick panel is also in question.

What I've been doing so far on the stuff I can see is wire wheel the rust off, spray a couple of coats of VHT rust restorer, then going back a week later, and wire wheel it again, then spray VHT again. It's thin and it makes me feel better I guess because I'm hoping it is getting in the cracks and at least encapsulating the rust. I don't know. It's a placebo to make me feel better.