Our best friends (four legged) 2018 shots

Haha gotta love em! My Marshall stays outside now he was just to big and hyper to be inside all the time so I bought one of those wireless collar fences it works great (more on that later) I have had a huge problem with him chewing up stuff outside and digging holes. He has chewed up everything in his path from porch railing to my underpinning. He even chewed the abs speed sensor out of my truck TWICE!!! so I have been training and working with him he was really bad about chewing packages up so I talked to my ups guy and he started them in my vehicles for me. Well we must have a new ups driver because yesterday I get home from work and there is stuff scattered all in my yard. I walk up to it and am looking at it and he comes running up to me. I said "did you do this"? He tucked his tail hid his face and ran to the doghouse. Lol he knew he did wrong. I just dont know how to break a dog of something he knows is wrong but still does it anyway.

I am not a trainer by any means but when we got Henry back in March and he was pretty unruly when we left him alone..... I went and got a cage for him and when we weren't there he was in it. He doesn't like it so after about 2 months we revisited him being alone outside of the cage when left alone and took baby steps. We rewarded him with a smalll treat when we returned with no problems and he has only acted a fool' once since then....

Dogs are wicked smart so you need to find what "clicks" in their head that makes then understand right and wrong. Now he knows we are coming back to where he lives and it all comes down to instilling that trust with him..... Always work in progress...